Kick of Meeting - CREATEskills project -Dec 2017 / Newsletter in English
December 15, 2019
In December 2017, CDPE representatives participated in the Kick of Meeting in Porto, Portugal for presenting the GR educational system as well as to show in detail the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan of CreateSKILSS project and specify involvement of CDPE school units. A periodic newsletter concerning the project’s development shall be uploaded in the European Portal of CDPE and in the Local Career Network website:
Summary of the Project
August 18, 2017
The “CREATEskills” project is designed to develop and implement innovative practices, tools and methodologies in primary schools for the establishment of STEM studio classrooms, improving the quality and relevance of the learning process in primary education, more specifically regarding the attractiveness of STEM subjects. Through hands-on activities and based on the logic of the social learning theory, “CREATEskills” will contribute to the development of the 21st century skills among students.
Web Meeting - AGENDA
November 05, 2017
To join us, for the Web Meeting of this afternoon, the only thing you have to do, is to use the link that follows bellow!
Those who have asked me before how to join the web meeting… sorry for only replying today.
For those who have asked for the Contract and for the Partnership Agreement, we will send it right after the Web Meeting takes place.
See you all in a while J
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.