Visiting School Units | March 2018
During March 2018 the School Activities Coordinator (E. Kavazidou) visited the Primary Schools for dissemination purposes of the project,...
CREATEskills Leaflet
Our first leaflet related to CREATEskills project is now available in English!
"From Estonia ... to Portugal: Looking for Quality Indicators of the Learning Process in Pre-pr
On Monday, 18/6/2018 at the Cultural Center of Chania, took place the presentation of our project “Quality - 3Cchild” to all the...
Συνέδριο στο Pärnu της Εσθονίας στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος “Quality -3C?”
Στο Pärnu της Εσθονίας πραγματοποιήθηκε από 12-14 Ιουνίου 2018 η τελευταία διεθνική συνάντηση των εταίρων για τις ανάγκες του...
Norwegian Teachers practicing their skills in 3rd Pre-primary School of Kisamos VET May 2018
During the period 23/4/2018 - 04/05/2018, the 3rd Elementary School of Kissamos visited nursery schools from Norway. During their stay...