Webinar Rhineland-Palatinate and West Crete
Webinar Rhineland-Palatinate and West Crete Mo, 15th Oktober 2018 to Tu, 23rd Oktober 2018
This webinar bases on the educational partnership between West Crete and Rhine-land-Palatinate and gives primary schools (Greece) as well as primary/secondary schools (Germany) the opportunity to get in touch, plan together and implement pro-jects using the eTwinning platform. Target group: for teachers (subject German) from West-Crete and teachers (all sub-jects) from Rhineland-Palatinate/Germany teaching in classes 4-6 (age of pupils: about 10-12 years), who want to start an eTwinning-project or prepare an Erasmus+- project. Language of the seminar: German
Duration: 3 short sessions in the period October 15th - October 23rd 2018
Topics: 1st session, 15th October 2018, 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. (90 min.)
Teach and Learn in
Community: examples of eTwinning-projects between primary schools in order to get ideas for creating own projects. Among other things, we will show special project activities to promote language learning (German) and get to known the other culture.
2nd session, 16th October 2018, 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. (60 min.) Find project partners: In this session we will give the opportunity to exchange pro-ject ideas and to find specific partners for own projects.
3rd session, 23rd October 2018, 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. (90 min.) Implementation of project ideas: In this session we will introduce the tools of the TwinSpace (pages, keeping material, blog, forums, videoconference) for the commu-nication and cooperation of all participants of the projects. In addition, we deal with tools (video, audio, storytelling), that you can use in addition to realize your project-ideas and integrate into the TwinSpace.
Intended impact The participants will find partner schools for joint projects. They get to know different ways of creating an eTwinning-project and are able to set up a common project-space (TwinSpace). On this way it is also possible to prepare an Erasmus +- project.
Requirements Very good knowledge of German language (Greek teachers)! You need a computer/notebook or mobile equipment with Internet connection/WLAN. A headset would be great, but not necessary. Special computer skills are not re-quired. We will send you the link to the Adobe Connect-webinar in time (before we will start). In advance please plan a small unit of time to check your (audio-)connection. You will also receive instructions on this together with confirmation of your registration.
G:\3_Koblenz\Internationale Beziehungen\Koblenz_International-Europa\Erasmus+\ETwinning\2018\Webinar
Kreta\Announcement_english.docx 06.08.18
Workshop performed by: Kurt Schlegel Kontakt: kurt.schlegel@t-online.de Link for log-in: https://www.kmk-pad.org/veranstaltungen/details/webinar-rheinland-pfalz-undwestkreta- 1730.html