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First transnational meeting of the partners at Tartu of Estonia, in relation to the European program

The first international meeting of the partners for the needs of ‘Quality-3c’program was held at Tartu of Estonia on 22-24 November 2016.This meeting was organized by the organization which coordinates the above program, the Association of Estonian Early Childhood Education Leaders. Among the partner countries that took part-Estonia, Greece, Croatia, Latvia, Portugal-from the Greek side the Chania Directorate of Primary Education and the 11th Nipiagogio of Chania attended the meeting. The first meeting on 22/11/2016 was held at the Klaabu Kindergarten Before starting to work all partners were shown around the Kindergarten, which hosts 138 infants aged 3-6years old and comprises of 12 Kindergarten teachers,8 helpers, a music teacher, a physical education teacher, a speech therapist, a head teacher, a deputy head teacher, a finance director, a caterer and 2cooks.

After Mrs Heda Kala greetings, chairwoman of the Association of Estonian Early Childhood Education Leaders, each country presented its educational system as well as its methods-tools that are foreseen by the curriculum for the evaluation of the learning procedure’s quality at the pre-school education. The presentations on behalf of the Chania Directorate of Primary Education were made by Mrs Maria Giannousopoulou having as a subject ‘The Greek Educational System’ and by the school advisor of the pre-school education of 50th District, Mrs Popi Kassotaki-Psaroudaki, having as a subject ‘Methods and evaluation tools of the learning procedure in preschool education’ via skype. Mrs Maria Skordili, Headmistress of the 11th Nipiagogio of Chania, presented the ‘Evaluation of learning as a daily practice in classroom’ through concrete examples of school acts.

Before the work of the first day was over, the work’s logo was chosen among children’s works from the Kindergarden schools of the countries that participate in the partnership. The work of arts that was chosen was made by the infants of the 11th Nipiagogio of Chania. The second day the meeting was held at the University of Tartu at the Faculty of Education.

After an interesting tour at the classrooms where the future teachers and teachers of pre-primary schools of Estonia are trained Mrs Maria Jurimae, professor of Early Childhood Education at the university, started the works. More than 20 teachers, among them speech therapists and psychologists, participated in a work group in order their opinion about the quality standards of the learning process at the Early Childhood Education to be known. Big interactive boards, an overhead projector, microphones and cameras for data recording and for future use for research were the helping tools of the professor in order to coordinate her work job. Impressive was the use of new technology for the facilitation of the vote procedure and the views recording with the help of i-pad confirming the reputation of the country for having high digital literacy and digital skills.

‘How Estonia became the global champion of technology ‘

The third and last day was the day that the implementation of the two-year plan was ratified. For this purpose the partnership’s partners went to the pre-primary school of Lohkva, which is located in the industrial area of Luunja, peripheral of Tartu. This is a pre-primary school that hosts 109 infants aged 2 to 6 years old and is comprised of 18 teachers of pre-primary schools among 30 other specialties. After the welcoming and the tour in the pre-primary school the last session was made which had as a purpose the coordination of the tasks for the plan’s implementation. The axes of implementation were formed, the priorities were set and the duties and obligations per partner were appointed. At the same time the timetable for the implementation of the first tasks was given. The meeting was over with the presentation of the certificates for the participation.

The project ‘Quality 3cChild?’ has just started its journey into the ERASMUS world and its next stop is Portugal.

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